FBUK Publishes Annual Report

April 24, 2024

Annual report 2023 Cover

Family Business UK have today published our Annual Report, covering the 18-month period July 2022 – December 2023.

Comments on the annual report from Neil Davy, CEO of Family Business UK.

As members will see from the report, the second half of 2022 focussed on developing a new strategy for the organisation (then known as the IFB) which built on the 20+ years of tremendous legacy and support for the IFB, but set-out a new ambition and direction of travel. This included a comprehensive review of every aspect of the organisation, it’s activities, and relationships with all stakeholders, and importantly our Members.

The priority for 2023, was to implement those plans, place the organisation on a firm footing to prepare for future growth, and indeed relaunch as Family Business UK, which we did in June of last year.

I am pleased to say we are now well placed to leverage that hard work, and the growing support and involvement from FBUK Members, Corporate Partners and others involved in our growing movement.

On behalf of the FBUK team, I’d like to extend sincere thanks to everyone who has worked so hard over this period.

We still have much work to do, but we are excited and energized by the challenge, and the opportunities that are ahead, to support family businesses in the UK, and champion the sector.

Download the Annual Report.