Wates Corporate Governance Principles

Strong, successful businesses generate value for their owners and wider society. Throughout the UK, large private companies contribute to productivity, generate employment, and provide vital goods and services. Many large private companies are established and run in accordance with a clear purpose and strategy that enables them to generate value for the communities in which they operate.

Nevertheless, several large-scale corporate failures have not only drawn public attention to the need for improved transparency and accountability, but also highlighted the risks to wider stakeholders, including the workforce, suppliers and customers, when problems arise.

The Wates Principles offer all companies that are not subject to a formal corporate governance code an opportunity to consider their approach to governance and aspire to meet the Principles. The Wates Principles offer companies, even those not subject to the regulation, an opportunity to demonstrate good practice and how they achieve long-term success of the company.

Click here to review or download the Principles