More Than 160,000 Family Businesses Call on Government to Consult on Inheritance Tax Change.

More Than 160,000 Family Businesses Call on Government to Consult on Inheritance Tax Change.

Embargo: 00:00 Monday 16 December 2024

Thirty two Trade Associations, representing more than 160,000 UK family-owned businesses and farms, have written to the Chancellor calling for a full and formal consultation on changes to Inheritance Tax announced in the Budget.

In an open letter, led by Family Business UK, the Trade Associations warn that changes to Business Property Relief (BPR) and Agricultural Property Relief (APR) will starve their members and the economy of investment, lead to forced, premature business sales and result in job losses right across the country.

Independent economic modelling commissioned by Family Business UK and conducted by CBI Economics suggests that far from raising revenue, the changes to BPR alone could result in a £1.25 Billion net fiscal loss to the Exchequer, lead to more than 125,000 job losses and reduce economic activity (GVA) by £9.4 Billion over the course of the Parliament.

The leaders of 32 Trade Associations* who have signed the letter represent family-owned businesses in all areas of the UK economy including builders, bakers, retailers, farmers, manufacturers, mechanics, food producers, funeral directors, pubs, restaurants, garden centres, growers, electricians and recruitment agents.

Neil Davy, CEO Family Business UK said: “The model of family business ownership is unique. It powers the entire economy from farming to finance and everything in between. This letter, and those who have chosen to sign it, are testament to just how widespread family ownership is, and how committed we are to speak up on behalf of our members.

“The changes to Inheritance Tax for family businesses and farms are a hammer blow. In many cases, those inheriting the business will have no alternative but to sell up when the owner dies, rather than continue running the business.

“In these circumstances, there is a real risk that businesses, assets and farms will be sold to foreign-owned competitors or investors who will pay little to no tax in this country.

“Already, family business owners are taking decisions to withhold planned investments and are putting recruitment on hold. Those working for family businesses are also extremely concerned, worried about how these changes might impact them.

“We do not believe that these are the outcomes the Government envisaged. So, we are calling on the Chancellor to meet and run a formal consultation, to find a solution that will protect the long-term interests of family businesses and farms and, crucially the jobs and investment they provide.”

Changes to BPR and APR announced in the Budget will mean that business and farm assets worth more than £1million will now be subject to Inheritance Tax at a rate of 20% when the business owner dies.

Family business owners and farmers will typically retain more than 90% of their personal wealth directly in the business, allocated to fund growth and investment.

To cover the Inheritance Tax liability, business owners will be forced to take money out of the business otherwise allocated to investment, typically via dividends (taxed at 39.5%). Added to IHT, this effectively creates double taxation.

Figures from HMRC suggest that around 500 family farms and 500 family businesses a year would be affected by the change. Analysis by CBI Economics suggests that three times as many family businesses (1,647) will adjust their behaviour each year to mitigate the change to BPR.

According to the CBI Economics, family businesses mitigating the cost of a potential future Inheritance Tax bill would be most likely to reduce investment and employment leading to an:
average reduction in investment of 16.5%
• average reduction in headcount of 10.2%
• average loss of turnover of 7.4%

Even for family businesses currently below the new £1million threshold for BPR, there is a striking impact on how they behave and plan to mitigate future impacts from Inheritance Tax.

Amongst these businesses:
55% expect investment to reduce with a quarter expecting it to fall by more than 20%, producing an average net reduction of investment of 12.2%
• headcount would reduce by 9%
• turnover could fall by 5.8%

There are 4.8 million family businesses in the UK employing almost 14 million people and contributing more than £200 Billion a year in tax revenues.

Download and Read the letter in full here.


Budget Comment – Inheritance Tax Changes – Family Businesses

Budget Comment – Inheritance Tax Changes – Family Businesses

Immediate Release.

Neil Davy, Chief Executive Officer of Family Business UK said: “These changes are a betrayal of Britain’s hard working family business owners and farmers that will result in valuable businesses being closed, sold and jobs lost across the country. 

“For all but the very smallest companies the changes to Business Property Relief are much the same as scrapping it entirely. Far from raising money for the Exchequer our research has shown that removing the reliefs will cost money – with a £29billion cut in economic activity and 391,000 jobs lost. 

“On top of changes to Employer’s National Insurance, employment rights, and living wage, this is yet another burden heaped on Britain’s 4.8 million family owned businesses, and removes entirely any incentive for starting or running a family business. 

“Inheritance tax reliefs are not loopholes, they are legitimate tax policies, introduced by a Labour Government in 1976, to ensure that businesses do not have to be broken up on the death of the owner, to the detriment of all the remaining employees, suppliers, customers, investors, the Treasury and wider economy. 

“These changes effectively seize 20% of the capital of private trading companies saddling them with tax bills that, in most circumstances, cannot be met without selling the underlying business.

“Those inheriting a family business simply do not have 20% of the business value lying around in cash. This change will see a steady succession of family business sold or their underlying assets broken up to satisfy these ill-thought out policy changes.” 


Contact the Family Business UK Press Office here.