We work with a range of different stakeholder groups who support our ambition to help family businesses create a more sustainable and prosperous future for generations to come. These include:
Family Businesses (FBUK Members)
Members of Family Business UK range from some of the biggest, oldest and most well-known British businesses, to first-generation businesses, from across every sector of industry and commerce, from all corners of the UK.
Through our network, family businesses can connect and collaborate, expand their knowledge, and be part of a movement that amplifies the voice of family businesses to policy makers, and helps ensure the sector is recognised for its role and contribution to the UK economy and communities up and down the country.
Find out more about FBUK Membership
Corporate Partners:
Our Corporate Partners are critical allies of our work and play a crucial role in supporting family businesses with the challenges they face today. They help prepare them, and the next generation of family business leaders, for the future.
Find out more about FBUK Corporate partnership.
Family Business Advisors:
Families need advisory support from people who ‘get them’, who understand and appreciate their values and ethos, the subtleties and nuances of family businesses, and recognise that every family and business is unique, and at a different stage of its journey.
We provide access to a group of highly respected, experienced independent family business advisors, who offer family businesses senior advisory support on a wide range of governance and succession issues.
Find out more about our network of Family Business advisors.
Since its inception in 2008, we have worked closely with the Family Business Research Foundation (FBRF)to foster greater knowledge and understanding of family firms and their contribution to the UK economy and society. The Foundation is the only research organisation uniquely focused on understanding the UK family business sector, and is the primary source of evidence relied upon by government, family businesses, academics and researchers.
We also work closely with other bodies that support and champion family businesses, both in the UK and overseas such as European Family Business (EFB), through which we can ensure UK family business interests are represented in Europe.
Patrons and Benefactors:
We are grateful for the support and contribution made by individuals and organisations who provide financial support to our work and investment in:
- Thought leadership and development of practical resources to support family business
- Campaigns, such as Family Business Week
- Family Business UK Communities, which bring together individuals within our network representing different generations (e.g. NextGen, NowGen, SeniorGen), roles (e.g. Chairs, NEDs), profiles (e.g. Non-Family Executives) and special interest areas (e.g. Sustainability, Policy)